gallery work

A selection of stone carvings

The images and links on this page hopefully illustrate the range of styles and themes I cover in my work. I haven’t found it easy to pick which examples to include or prioritise so there are other pages that deal with specific types: Garden/memorials/commissions etc.

This page is more focussed on the work I produce for galleries.

I have Facebook page that features what I’m doing in the way of sculpture. There is lot of material on this site, but I probably keep the Facebook page more regularly updated so it’s worth taking a look if you’re interested in my work. @de.stoncarver

If you don’t like Facebook that’s fine, but signing on means you have access to more information and can message me directly if you so wish.

The link below takes you there.

mother and child

This theme has been a favourite of mine over the years, in various mediums. Click the image to see an album of stone carvings relating to the subject of Mother/child and ‘With child’. The sculpture featured here was started as the Twin Towers fell in New York – it helped me deal with the event.

Each link below takes you to a short film I made on two sculptures with Mother and Child as a theme. ‘Vigil’ and ‘Our Child’

a film about 'choices'

To see a short film about a sculpture I carved a few years ago, called ‘Choices’ click on the image above.

Choices is carved from Ancaster stone and measures 12 inches cubic.